بلاگ فایل 2

مرجع دانلود انواع فایلهای دانشجویی و تحقیقات دانش آموزی

بلاگ فایل 2

مرجع دانلود انواع فایلهای دانشجویی و تحقیقات دانش آموزی

مقاله درباره لاتین

لینک دانلود و خرید پایین توضیحات فرمت فایل word  و قابل ویرایش و پرینت تعداد صفحات: 1   Overriew Attention to personnel, subject that to obtain adherent in this period of ten days. Managers have understood the basic role personnel in the organization. As workplace became more complex the need arose for only who specialized in hiring, plant working condition and dealing with workers aboat working condition and benefits. The subject use desired of personal propounded from beginning gr ...

مدیریت دانش لاتین Knowledge management 12 ص

لینک دانلود و خرید پایین توضیحات فرمت فایل word  و قابل ویرایش و پرینت تعداد صفحات: 13   Knowledge management From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   (Redirected from Knowledge Management) Jump to: navigation, search Knowledge Management (KM) comprises a range of practices used in an organisation to identify, create, represent, distribute and enable adoption of insights and experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in individuals or em ...

جوشکاری لاتین Weldingمتن لاتین و بخشی از ترجمه

لینک دانلود و خرید پایین توضیحات فرمت فایل word  و قابل ویرایش و پرینت تعداد صفحات: 23   Welding Welding is a fabrication or sculptural process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by causing coalescence. This is often done by melting the workpieces and adding a filler material to form a pool of molten material (the weld pool) that cools to become a strong joint, with pressure sometimes used in conjunction with heat, or by itself, to produce the weld. This is in ...

اصل و ترجمه مقاله لاتین Endurance Training and Aerobic Fitness in Young People

Endurance Training and Aerobic Fitness in Young People   Abstract Training-induced adaptations in aerobic fitness have been extensively studied in adults, and some exercise scientists have recommended similar training programmes for young people. However, the subject of the response to aerobic training of children and adolescents is controversial. The effects of exercise training on prepubertal children are particularly debatable. The latter may be partly explained by different training d ...

اصل و ترجمه مقاله لاتین Obesity and thermogenesis related to the consumption of caffeine, ephedrine, capsaicin, and green tea

Obesity and thermogenesis related to the consumption of caffeine, ephedrine, capsaicin, and green tea   Abstract The global prevalence of obesity has increased considerably in the last decade. Tools for obesity management, including caffeine, ephedrine, capsaicin, and green tea have been proposed as strategies for weight loss and weight maintenance, since they may increase energy expenditure and have been proposed to counteract the decrease in metabolic rate that is present during we ...

اصل و ترجمه مقاله لاتین Effects of capsinoid ingestion on energy expenditure and lipid oxidation at rest and during exercise

Effects of capsinoid ingestion on energy expenditure and lipid oxidation at rest and during exercise Abstract BACKGROUND: The thermogenic and metabolic properties of capsinoids appear to mimic those of the more pungent sister compound capsaicin. However, few data exist on how capsinoid ingestion affects energy expenditure in humans and no data exist on its interaction with exercise. We aimed to determine how ingestion of capsinoids affected energy expenditure, lipid oxidation and blood metaboli ...

دانلود کتاب طراحی باغ نوین با عنوان لاتین New Garden Design: Inspiring Private Paradises

در این  بخش کتاب طراحی باغ نوین با عنوان لاتین New Garden Design: Inspiring Private Paradises در 246 صفحه و با فرمت Epub برای دانلود قرار داده شده است. در ذیل فهرست مطالب و همچنین  صفحه مشخصات کتاب آورده شده است. ...

اصل و ترجمه مقاله لاتین Review on leptin and adiponectin responses and adaptations to acute and chronic exercise

Review on leptin and adiponectin responses and adaptations to acute and chronic exercise Abstract Leptin and adiponectin represent two newly discovered adipose tissue derived hormones; that are both associated with health status and glucose and free fatty acid (FFA) metabolism. Moreover, acute and chronic exercises affect body composition, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. It is thus interesting to evaluate the effects of physical exercise and training on leptin and adiponectin levels. It seem ...

اصل و ترجمه مقاله لاتین Nutrition for the sprinter

Nutrition for the sprinter Abstract The primary roles for nutrition in sprints are for recovery from training and competition and influencing training adaptations. Sprint success is determined largely by the power-to-mass ratio, so sprinters aim to increase muscle mass and power. However, extra mass that does not increase power may be detrimental. Energy and protein intake are important for increasing muscle mass. If energy balance is maintained, increased mass and strength are possible on a ...

اصل و ترجمه مقاله لاتین Overview of the Physiology and Pathophysiology of Leptin With Special Emphasis on its Role in the Kidn

Overview of the Physiology and Pathophysiology of Leptin With Special Emphasis on its Role in the Kidney Abstract The adipocyte product leptin is a pleiotropic adipokine and hormone, with a role extending beyond appetite suppression and increased energy expenditure. This review summarizes the biology of the leptin system and the roles of its different receptors in a multitude of cellular functions in different organs, with special emphasis on the kidney. Leptin's physiological functions as well ...